What It Take to Pass a Law – a View From the Data | VoxUkraine

What It Take to Pass a Law – a View From the Data

15 June 2016

How long does it take for a bill to pass all stages of the legislative procedure, what affects the speed and how can the speed be increased?  DataVox analyzed the process of passing a bill in Ukraine and came to a number of unexpected findings.

Topic of the week: The institution of the Presidency

Why is the Post-Soviet Presidential Institution Flawed (Mykhailo Minakov, President of Foundation for Good Politics, Tymofiy Mylovanov, Interim President of Kyiv School of Economics, Associated Professor at Pittsburgh University, co-founder of VoxUkraine)

Petro Poroshenko`s Political Life (Anton Marchuk, student of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv)

Full text is available in Ukrainian and Russian.
