FAKE: On February 13, 2022, an anti-war rally with Ukrainian and Russian flags took place in Moscow - video

FAKE: On February 13, 2022, an anti-war rally with Ukrainian and Russian flags took place in Moscow – video

22 March 2022

The verification of fakes in the framework of partnership with Facebook

There is a video being spread in the network that a march with Ukrainian and Russian flags was allegedly held in Moscow on February 13, 2022. The theme of the rally: “No war. Kyiv = Moscow. Moscow = Kyiv”.

The screenshot of the video

The text of the screenshot: a march with Ukrainian and Russian flags is held in Moscow on February 13, 2022. The theme of the rally: No war. Kyiv = Moscow. Moscow = Kyiv.

Photo from «the March of Peace» in Moscow

The text of the screenshot: «Return Russian troops home; The occupation of Crimea – disgrace for Russia!»

However, these footages are in fact from Moscow’s 2014 «Marches of Peace»

«The Marches of Peace» took place on March 15 and September 21 in major cities of Russia and Europe as a protest against Putin’s aggressive foreign policy against Ukraine amid the invasion of Crimea.


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