Reform Index 225: e-Entrepreneur, Foreign e-Trust Services, and Changes to the Law on National Minorities

Reform Index 225: e-Entrepreneur, Foreign e-Trust Services, and Changes to the Law on National Minorities

Photo: / Panubestphoto
10 January 2024

The Reform Index’s 225th issue covers the period from November 7 to 19 and incorporates six reforms contributing to progress in two of the six observed areas – Public Governance and Business Environment. Overall, the Index scored +0.5 points (on a scale from -5 to +5). In the previous issue, it was slightly lower at +0.4 points.

Graph 1. Dynamics of the Reform Monitoring Index

Graph 2. Values of the Reform Monitoring Index and its Components in the Current Assessment Round

The resolution on the launch of the “e-Entrepreneur” comprehensive service on the Diia portal, +2 points

In November, the Cabinet of Ministers approved a resolution to transition the “e-Entrepreneur” comprehensive online service onto a permanent and established framework. The approved procedure for providing this service includes registering individual entrepreneurs (FOPs), entering changes in the USR (the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs, and Public Organizations), designating as a single tax and value-added tax payer, opening an account, and exploring other available options.

The entire package of services can be obtained through a single application via the Diia portal. In order to reduce the paperwork burden on applicants, the resolution provides for the exchange of information between 14 state registries and systems, including the USR, the State Register of Individuals – Taxpayers, the Legal Entities Taxpayer Unified Database, the Unified Information and Analytical System of the State Employment Service, and others. 

Information about the Reforms Index project, the list of Index experts and the database of the regulations assessed are available here.

Changes to the law on national minorities include the provision that allows the use of minority languages in advertising (excluding Russian), +1.5 points

A month and a half after its adoption in early November, Volodymyr Zelensky signed Law 3389-IX, amending the law on national minorities, which was one of the requirements for starting negotiations on Ukraine’s accession to the EU. This need arose in response to the Venice Commission’s comments on the text of the main law.

The new law clarifies the definition of “national minority” by removing the requirement to traditionally reside on Ukraine’s territory. Additionally, the document includes an anti-discrimination provision stating that the state must take measures to “achieve … real equality between persons belonging to national minorities (communities) and persons belonging to the majority population.

The law provides for the establishment, by the Cabinet of Ministers, of a procedure for identifying settlements where representatives of one or another national minority reside. In such settlements, Centers for National Minorities (Communities) may be established. Among their tasks under the new law are:

  • Preserving the traditional culture and intangible cultural heritage of national minorities (communities), creating conditions for the comprehensive expression of their identity, and safeguarding their language, culture, and folk traditions.
  • Interacting with government authorities and local self-government bodies to address urgent issues related to protecting the rights of national minorities.
  • Providing advisory and organizational support to associations of national minorities, etc.

In these settlements, representatives of national communities will have the opportunity, if they wish, to interact with local executive authorities and local self-government bodies in their native language. They will also be allowed to open “specialized bookstores established to promote the rights of national minorities (communities),” meaning outlets offering books and newspapers related to the culture, language, history, and other interests of the respective national minority.

Additionally, in settlements with a compact population of national communities, the use of minority languages will be allowed in advertising (as duplicates alongside the state language), during public events, while providing assistance and protection to representatives of national minorities, and in the care facilities for senior citizens.

At the same time, the law restricts the application of certain provisions (related to the right to peaceful assembly, financial support from the state and local authorities, participation in advisory bodies of local authorities, and the establishment of Centers for National Minorities) during martial law and for six months after its conclusion for minorities originating from a state that commits acts of aggression against Ukraine. 

The resolution on foreign e-trust services, +1.5 points

The government has approved the procedure for recognizing foreign certificates of open keys and electronic signatures. This means qualified electronic signatures from EU countries can now be used in Ukraine.

The state-owned enterprise Diia, which falls under the management of the Ministry of Digital Transformation, will be responsible for certifying such signatures.

Chart 3. Value of Reform Index components and number of events

Reform Index from VoxUkraine aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of reform efforts by Ukraine’s authorities. The Index is based on expert assessments of changes in the regulatory environment in six areas: Governance, Public Finance, Monetary system, Business Environment, Energy, Human Capital.



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