Researches and Analytics
We comprehensively study topical issues related to the economy, business and society of Ukraine. We outline a problem, identify the reasons, suggest a solution or issue recommendations based on the data and using scientific methods.
What we are doing
We analyze the impact of policies
We investigate the ways how the change of the “game rules” will affect various stakeholders, define advantages and disadvantages of the state policies, possible scenario of the situation evolving.
Investigation of the Media Landscape
We analyze topics, allusions, narratives, messages of the major online mass media. We collect the data using in-house tools and analyze it with the machine learning algorithms.
Social and Political Researches
Researches based on big open data, official sources or own inquiries. What do Ukrainians think about? Where external independent evaluation is passed more successfully? Do the medical students pass the exams honestly? And other matters, upon the request.
Big data analysts, fact checkers, scientists, specialists in economic and social affairs, state service experts take part in researches. A team is built for each analytical product of “VoxUkraine” taking into account a certain need.