FALSE: russian occupiers try to push out stuck equipment in 2022 - video

FALSE: russian occupiers try to push out stuck equipment in 2022 – video

18 May 2022

Verification within Meta’s Third-Party Fact-Checking Program

There is  a video being spread on the net from April 27 , 2022, it shows russian soldiers using logs and armored vehicles and trying to push out stuck equipment. One person died as a result of this attempt. Spreading the video during the russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the author of the post implies that it depicts precisely these events.

Screenshot of the post

However, the video has been spread online since at least 2019.

The results of the reverse image search showed that the video has been  spread online since at least 2019. As the author of the post claims that the video shows the russian army, we decided to find the video through the russian portal Yandex Images, which is blocked in Ukraine. Search results also show that the video has been spread since August 2019. The posts to the video do not indicate the location of the soldiers with equipment.

Earlier, we also denied that one of the circulated videos allegedly showed an explosion at the Azovstal plant in Mariupol. In fact, the video showed explosions at military depots in Balaklia, Kharkiv Oblast, in 2017.


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