Carlos Castresana Head of Penalty Law Department at a law firm Ejaso
Carlos Castresana Fernández is a Spanish jurist and prosecutor. He has worked as an attorney, judge and magistrate and became a prosecutor. In 1995, he joined the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office, where he worked on investigating economic crimes, with some very high-profile cases both nationally and internationally.
In 2005, Castresana was appointed Prosecutor of the Criminal Division of the Supreme Court.
In 2007, he was asked by the UN Secretary General to direct the International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG) with the rank of UN Assistant Secretary General, serving until 2010. CICIG is a unique unit in its genre, devoted to collaborating with the Guatemalan Government in the investigation and dismantling of criminal groups infiltrated in security and justice institutions in order to obtain immunity. He has also worked for UNODC and UNPD and he has recently been elected as member of the Board of Trustees of UNICRI (United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute).
During the first half of 2014, Castresana was a guest Professor at Haverford College, Pennsylvania, one of the most prestigious academic institutions in the United States.