All You Need to Know about Ukrainian Reforms in 6-Minute Explainer (Video) | VoxUkraine

All You Need to Know about Ukrainian Reforms in 6-Minute Explainer (Video)

Photo: Инвестгазета
14 September 2015

Content is prepared by more than 40 analysts, and at least 10 PhDs. VoxUkraine is committed to providing a nonpartisan information and analysis of progress in vital reforms for Ukraine.

What’s wrong with Ukraine reforms?

This is a really important video which shows the path of Ukraine through failed reforms, unfulfilled promises and disfunction of previous years to the future, which, we believe, will be prosperous. For years, Ukraine’s ruling elite have promised to deliver on critical reforms. But these promises remain unfulfilled. Since 1992 Ukraine’s economy has floundered, while Poland’s has flourished. The country’s elite profited from the disfunction. Ukraine has consistently failed at reforms. It ranks 96th in Doing Business, 142nd in Corruption Perception and belongs to 50 countries with the worst rule of law. Based on Reform Index, we show the pace of reforms conducted by the new government: which areas were successful, and which are lagging behind.

Video also presents some exclusive analytics and data that have never been published before. It describes, how new are Ukrainian Parliament and the Government, and how beneficial is this for the country.

“Ultimately you, Ukrainians, will find yourselves on the path to the future. … this is a crisis between reaction that is bound to fail – and the future, where there will be progress”, – John Herbst, US Ambassador to Ukraine in 2003-2006.

VoxUkraine are extremely grateful to the sponsor, Dragon Capital, and everyone who took part in the development of it:

  • Scenario: Olena Bilan and Tymofiy Mylovanov
  • Ideas: Olna Bilan, Tom Coupe, Yuriy Gorodnichenko, Tymofiy Mylovanov
  • Analytics: Olena Bilan, Dmytro Ostapchuk, Tymofiy Mylovanov, Natalia Shapoval, Ilona Sologoub, Oleksandr Zholud
  • Art Direction/Production: TITANIUM Presentations, Luc Chenier, Anna Popova, Ihor Hrytsyk
  • Editing: Mike Duane
  • Special Thanks To: Roger Myerson, John Herbst, Brian Bonner, Taras Kachka, Tomas Fiala, Viktor Maziarchuk, Misha Obolonskiy, Hlib Vyshlinsky, Andriy Zapechelnyuk, VoxUkraine contributors, GfK Ukraine

Visit the page devoted to Reform Index


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