Alexander Kupatadze King’s College London, Lecturer at King’s Russia Institute & Department of European and International Studies
King’s College London, Lecturer at King’s Russia Institute & Department of European and International Studies. He held the postdoctoral positions at George Washington University (2010-11), Oxford University (2012-13) and Princeton University (2013-14). He holds degrees from Tbilisi State University (BA in International Relations), the Uppsala University (MA in International Studies) and the University of St Andrews (PhD in International Relations). His research specialization is transnational crime, corruption, informal politics and crime-terror nexus. His regional expertise is post-Soviet Eurasia. Dr. Kupatadze has previously published articles in peer-review journals and edited collections, contributed a series of short analyses of contemporary crime issues to Jane’s Intelligence Review and presented numerous papers about his research internationally. His first book ‘Organised Crime, Political Transitions and State Formation in post-Soviet Eurasia’ was published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2012. ‘His current research focuses on experimental research on public responses to corruption and organized crime; studying the circumstances under which corruption declines and the impact of political transitions on criminal opportunity structures.