Basil A. Kalymon Western University
Basil A. Kalymon is Professor Emeritus at the Richard Ivey Business School, Western University (Canada). He holds a BSc from the University of Toronto and a PhD from Yale University. He has served on the Business School faculties of the University of California, Lost Angeles, Harvard, Toronto and Western, and is a past member of the Governing Council of the University of Toronto. He has been visiting lecturer at Johannes Kepler University, Austria, Ecole Superior de Commerce, Paris, and Kyiv Mohyla Academy and Lviv Business School in Ukraine. He has extensive experience in executive programmes, has been an expert financial witness in regulatory hearings and has served on the Boards of various business corporations. He is a past member of the Economic Policy Committee of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, Board Member of the Canada-Ukraine Foundation and served as the Chair the Economic Advisory Council of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine. He is the author of several books and numerous cases, papers and articles.