Oleksandra Betliy Leading Research Fellow and Project Coordinator, Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting
Since 2002, Oleksandra Betlii has worked as an analyst at the IER, where she currently holds the position of Leading Research Fellow. Her work focuses on fiscal and social policies, healthcare policy, and labor market research. Oleksandra is also one of the primary co-authors of the macroeconomic forecast at IER.
From 2018 to 2020, she served as an advisor to the Minister of Finance and effectively fulfilled the role of Chief Economist. In this position, she provided analytical support to the Ministry of Finance, prepared macroeconomic and budget reviews, and coordinated activities within the public finance management strategy. She also participated in negotiations with international partners on behalf of the Ministry of Finance.
She has experience working and collaborating with international organizations, including consulting for the Ukrainian branch of the United Nations Development Programme from 2020 to 2022.
Oleksandra Betlii is a graduate of the Economic Education and Research Consortium (EERC) master’s program at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.