Reform Index 178: The operation procedure for MedData

Reform Index 178: The operation procedure for MedData

Photo: / alexraths
22 February 2022

Reform Index is +0,2 points from January 17 to January 30, 2022, with values ranging from -5 to +5. In the previous round, the Index was +0,8 points. 

Chart 1. Reform Index Dynamics

Chart 2. Reform Index and its components in the current round

The operation procedure for the MedData information and analytical system, +1.0 points

The authorities decided to digitize the process of medical procurement and ensure it is carried out on a single platform. In particular, this concerns the collection of information from healthcare institutions about their medical goods needs and the real-time tracking of the availability of these goods in hospitals. Resolution No.36 of January 19, 2022, establishes the operation procedure for the MedData information and analytical system, providing for the interaction between the MedData information system and state electronic information systems to ensure quality procurement and distribution of medicines and medical products. All medical institutions (and individual entrepreneurs) that have entered into a public service contract with the National Health Service of Ukraine (NHSU) can use MedData to submit procurement applications. 

Chart 3. Value of Reform Index components and number of events

Reform Index from VoxUkraine aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of reform efforts by Ukraine’s authorities. The Index is based on expert assessments of changes in the regulatory environment in six areas: Governance, Public Finance, Monetary system, Business Environment, Energy, Human Capital.



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