Reform Index 151: Law on Water Transport and Amendments to the Budget Code

Reform Index 151: Law on Water Transport and Amendments to the Budget Code

27 January 2021

Reform Index is +0.5 points for the period from December 28 to January 10, 2020 from possible values from -5.0 to +5.0. In the previous round, the index was +0.4 points.

Chart 1. Reform Index Dynamics

Chart 2. Reform Index and its components in the current round

The Law on Inland Water Transport, +2.0 points

Law 1054-IX of 03.12.2020 defined the rules for the organization of transport on inland waterways: rivers, lakes, reservoirs and other bodies of water suitable for navigation. Such transport includes vessels carrying goods, passengers, luggage and mail by inland waterways, and those used for fishing in rivers, and so on.

In particular, the law defined: 

  • principles of pricing and collection of port dues on rivers,
  • requirements for the maintenance of river waterways, construction and operation of berths, their operating waters, other hydraulic structures, a fairway, regulations of stay in river ports (terminals),
  • principles and procedure for maintenance and use of hydraulic structures, regulations of stay of vessels in the river port and in the water area, as well as regulations of protection of the river port,
  • requirements for navigation of vessels, technical requirements for them, requirements for the qualification of the captain (shipmaster) and crew members, ship documents, identification, classification and registration of such vessels

The Amendments to the Budget Code on the Distribution of Revenues and Expenditures Between Local Budgets, +1.8 points

Law 1081-IX of 15.12.2020 regulates financial relations between the budgets of communities and districts in accordance with the new administrative-territorial structure of the country, as well as made point changes to a number of other articles of the Code.

Chart 3. Value of Reform Index components and number of events

Note: Reform Index aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of reform efforts by Ukraine’s authorities. The Index is based on expert assessments of changes in the regulatory environment in five areas:

  1. Governance
  2. Public Finance
  3. Monetary system
  4. Business Environment
  5. Energy

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