Reform Index 96. Insignificant Changes in Procedures for Granting Subsidies to the Households

Reform Index 96. Insignificant Changes in Procedures for Granting Subsidies to the Households

3 December 2018

Reform Index is +0.2 points for the period from October 15 – October 28, 2018 on a scale of  -5.0 to +5.0. In the previous round the index was +0.9 points.

Chart 1. Reform Index dynamics

The index for monitoring of reforms (iMoRe)

Chart 2. Reform Index and its components in the current round

The index for monitoring of reforms (iMoRe)

Among the events of this round are changes in the procedure of granting subsidies by local authorities to the population for housing and communal services (+1.0 points). According to the resolution of October 17, 2018, # 841, the CMU tries to fill the gaps that appeared after the introduction of a new procedure in April this year (Reform Index # 84).

Also, changes have been made to the procedure for granting guarantees by local authorities (+1.0 points). According to the law “On State Aid to Business Entities”, the guarantees of local authorities are one of the forms of state aid. Therefore, the decree of October 24, 2018, # 877 establishes the obligation to approve the provision of such aid with the Antimonopoly Committee. At the same time, procedures for approval of guarantees by the Ministry of Finance have been simplified.

Chart 3. Value of Reform Index components and number of events

The index for monitoring of reforms (iMoRe)

(Please see other charts on the website)

Reform Index aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of reform efforts by Ukraine’s authorities. The Index is based on expert assessments of changes in the regulatory environment in five areas:

  1. Governance
  2. Public Finance
  3. Monetary system
  4. Business Environment
  5. Energy

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