Modernization 2021: the Role of Governance and Institutions | VoxUkraine

Modernization 2021: the Role of Governance and Institutions

21 April 2021

On April 27th, 2021, VoxUkraine think tank and GIZ organize the conference on state governance. We intend to critically assess the current state of public governance in Ukraine and discuss its development.

In 2014, decentralization was launched, and a little later, public service reform began. These are two key public governance reforms. 

What has changed for each of us as a result of these reforms? Do we feel the changes in the provision of public services? Do citizens engage in the management of their communities? How sustainable are new or transformed institutions, and what is the risk of the rollback?

We invited the main reform stakeholders, experts, and professionals who have a strategic vision of the situation as well as hands-on experience, to share their insights and the vision for the future of public governance and public service in Ukraine.

For more information and registration follow the link:

The conference takes place within the framework of Budget Watchdog project supported by the German government via the project “Effective public finance management III” implemented by the Deutsche Gesellshaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.



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