Reform Index 175: mediation, insurance, transfer of rights to land and real estate

Reform Index 175: mediation, insurance, transfer of rights to land and real estate

Photo: depositphotos
13 January 2022

Reform Index is +1.0 points from December 6 to December 19, 2021, with possible values ranging from -5.0 to +5.0. In the previous round, the index was +0.9 points. 

Chart 1. Reform Index Dynamics

Chart 2. Reform Index and its components in the current round

Law on mediation, +2.0 points

Mediation is an alternative to resolving disputes in court. Formerly, Ukrainian laws did not regulate mediation procedures.

Law 1875-IX sets out the rules for mediation. Mediation can now be used to resolve any dispute and sign a reconciliation agreement between the victim and suspect (defendant) in criminal proceedings by mutual agreement of the parties.

Anyone having higher education and educated in mediation in Ukraine or abroad can become a mediator. The law sets requirements for training programs for mediators and mediator registries.

Information about the Reforms Index project, the list of Index experts and the database of the regulations assessed are available here.

Law on insurance, +2.0 points

Previous Insurance laws were passed over 25 years ago. In the summer of 2020, Verkhovna Rada passed a law on split, according to which the NBU became the insurance market regulator. Law 1909-I aligned the principles of operation of the insurance services market and its regulation to the requirements of the law on split.

Law on the simultaneous transfer of rights to land and real estate, +2 points

According to the current laws, people wanting to sell/buy their house had to draw up separate agreements on the sale/purchase of the house and the land on which it stands.

Law 1720-IX resolves this issue by amending the Land Code and Civil Code accordingly. It provides for the mandatory simultaneous registration of rights on land simultaniously with transferring rights on real property.

Chart 3. Value of Reform Index components and number of events

Reform Index from VoxUkraine aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of reform efforts by Ukraine’s authorities. The Index is based on expert assessments of changes in the regulatory environment in five areas: Governance, Public Finance, Monetary system, Business Environment, Energy.



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